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FS-4072ETC semi-closed ultrasonic cleaning machine



Cleaning object: small size mechanical part automobile industry, air conditioning compressor industry parts cleaning
工艺流程: 上料水洗(摆动)碱洗(摆动)超声波清洗(摆动)漂洗(摆动)下料

Process:  upload material → water cleaning (swing) → alkali cleaning (swing) → ultrasonic cleaning (swing) → rinse (swing) → unload material
设备概述: PLC控制,机械臂传动,清洗节拍可调(09999S),清洗部分为开放结构,既可自动批量清洗,也可手动少量清洗。每槽均有单独的循环过滤,以保证清洗液的清洁度,从而有效的节约了清洗成本。该清洗设备由机架、清洗槽体、超声波系统、机械臂系统、循环过滤系统、自动加热温控系统、自动加液控制系统、电气自动控制系统、保护警报系统等组成。


Equipment feature: PLC control, mechanical arm transmit, cleaning frequency can be adjusted 09999S, cleaning section is open structure, it can do mass cleaning automatically and small quantity cleaning manually.  Every slot has an independent cycle filter to ensure the cleaness of detergent in order to lower the cleaning cost efficiently.  This cleaning equipment is composed of machine frame, cleaning slot, ultrasonic system, mechanical arm system, cycle filter system, automatic heating temperature control system, automatic detergent supply control system, automatic electricity control system, alarm protection system.

联系人:朱先生 18796830718  电话:0512-69205952-811  E-mailzhusq_yc@163.com  


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 本站关键词:超声波清洗机苏州超声波清洗机上海超声波清洗机常州超声波清洗机超声波清洗设备昆山喷淋清洗机波机喷淋清洗机 超声波清洗机 、   昆山超声波清洗机